Why Peaceful eats Cow but not Dog? – Zakir Naik Debate

Why Peaceful eats herbivores and not carnivores?

India’s Mangalyan vs Profit’s Flying Donkey

So what if Indians have launched Mars Orbiter in space when our profit flew to 7th sky on a flying donkey?

Ram did not Exist? Pigeral vs Hindu!

As per Indian liberals, Ram did not exist coz there is no video recording. Profit existed because there is no cartoon of his!

Peaceful God Wallah and His Heaven

Know the reality of Oneness of Peaceful God Wallah!

Zakir Naik proves Ganesha is False God

Ganesha is false God. Wallah is true God. Dog is true dog.

Kashmiri Separatist vs Indian

Kashmiri Peaceful put to peace forever!

Zakir Bhai MBBS- Halal Meat

Br Z Naik's gang-b*ng on Halal meat!

Mother in Day, Virgins in Night – Peaceful’s Life

Peaceful will enjoy 72 virgins in heaven. Peaceful's father will enjoy 72 too. But what will Peaceful's mother get? Find out.

Peaceful- A Complete Human!

Know human-like qualities of peaceful!

Why FGR?

Know the purpose behind FGR.