Peaceful: If you believe in my One God, you will get heaven.

Non Peaceful: Ok, I believe in Him. Do I get heaven now?

Peaceful: Oh wait, there is one profit also. Believe in him too.

Non Peaceful: Ok, do I get heaven now?

Peaceful: Oh wait, there are angels too. Believe in them too.

Non Peaceful: Ok, do I get heaven now?

Peaceful: Oh wait, there are genies too, Believe in them too.

Non Peaceful: Ok, do I get heaven now?

Peaceful: Oh wait, there is Satan too. Believe in him too.

Non Peaceful: Ok, do I get heaven now?

Peaceful: Oh wait, there is judgement day too. Believe in it too.

Non Peaceful: Ok, do I get heaven now?

Peaceful: Oh wait, there are 70+ sects too. Believe in one of them (preferably mine) too. If you choose wrong one, you go to hell.

Non Peaceful: To hell with such One God. He has whole Baraat with Him to believe.

Peaceful: But brother we believe in One God and you believe in many Gods….

Peaceful wins debate.

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