FGR Debates Peaceful God on Creation

FGR crosses swords with Peaceful God over Creation! You will not see this anywhere!

Mother in Day, Virgins in Night – Peaceful’s Life

Peaceful will enjoy 72 virgins in heaven. Peaceful's father will enjoy 72 too. But what will Peaceful's mother get? Find out.

ISIS has Nothing to Do With Isl*m – Litmus Test

Litmus test for Peacefuls across globe. Time to prove that ISIS has nothing to do with Isl*m. 3 quick tests. Come, pass it and get certificate of innocence.

If Cow is Your Mother is Bull your Daddy- Peaceful asks Hindu

Peacefuls ask Hindu- if cow is your mother, is bull your father. 10 Peacefuls died of heart-attack after reading response from FGR!

Microsoft Word Proves ISIS has Nothing to Do With Islam

After reading this, you will accept Religion of Peace.

I Love my Country But… For How Long Will India Survive?

What will happen in India in next 20 years in light of what happened in last 50 years.